Considering working with Opera by Children?

Here is what a recently retiring teacher from the elementary education system and OBC had to say about the process:
I recently retired from school teaching.  Over the years I have helped my students perform 13 operas.  At the end of each year as we reminisce about our favorite parts of the year, the opera is always at the top of the list.  The children learn that they can create something without being told what or how it should be done.  Some of the things the students learn about are elements of a story, figurative language, writing skills, and how to work together. Not only is it fun and beneficial for the students who create and perform the opera, other teachers and students enjoy watching the opera.  They look forward to the performance each year.  Utah Festival Opera and Musical Theater has helped immensely with the operas.  They made up for any deficiencies that I had. Their training workshops, DVDs, and written materials are well done.  Their specialists are willing to give support in any way that is needed.  It is nice to be able to teach core standards using such a fun activity.
Teresa Anderson

Formerly of Buffalo Point Elementary, Davis, UT

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